About the Journal

Journal Title               : Inovasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Pendidikan
Frequency                  : Triannually (September, January dan May)
Print ISSN                   : 2964-1039
Online ISSN                : 2963-0347
Editor-in-chief           : Lina Amelia, M.Pd.
Publisher                    : Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi Pendidikan Baiturrahman (LPIPB)
Indexing                     : Google Scholar | Garuda | Base |Road |Copernicus

Inovasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Pendidikan is the scientific journal of educational research. The journal publishes articles about the research results in the field of education both in the broad sense (general education) or specific (refers to certain fields of study). Specifically, the articles published in this journal are research results that include studies on innovation in learning, teaching, curriculum, learning methods and media, education management, school management, and various technologies in education. This journal is addressed to Lecturers, Teachers, Students, Researchers, and education observers.