Peer Reviewers
Article authors must pay attention to the following editorial policy provisions:
1) Manuscripts that have been published or are in the process of being published in other publishers may not be submitted. The author must ensure that the manuscript has not been published or is in the process of being published by another publisher (in a sealed state).
2) Manuscript is submitted in digital form to the JINOVASI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Pendidikan Editorial Board: Basic Education Scientific Journal using the online submission provided on this website.
3) Upon acceptance of the Editorial Board, the manuscript will be explored in general. Manuscripts that are deemed not in accordance with the mission of INOVASI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Pendidikan will be rejected at this stage, and will be immediately communicated to the author along with the reasons for disapproval.
4) Manuscripts that pass the general study will be sent to a minimum of two reviewers (blind reviewers) for formal study.
5) Based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers, the Editorial Board will make and communicate decisions regarding the manuscripts that are assessed (accepted without revision, accepted with minor revisions, received major revisions, rejected due to the quality of writing and rejected for ethical reasons for writing scientific papers).
6) Manuscripts that have been revised must be returned to the Editorial Board within the allotted time. If the revised manuscript is sent past the specified deadline, it will be considered as a new submission.